CERTIFICATE for SyPly trademark | 24.03.2005 - 15.10.2034

CERTIFICATE for SyPly trademark

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CERTIFICATE for SyPly trademark
24 March 2005

Valid to 15 October 2034

Based on the Law of the Russian Federation "On Trademarks, Service Marks and Appellations of Origin of Goods", which entered into force on September 23, 1992 (as amended on December 11, 2002), the Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Patents and Trademarks issued a certificate for the trademark "SyPly" to the Company Syktyvkar Plywood Mill ltd.

  1. Certificate of trademark SyPly 2004-2014 (0,10 Mb) (print)
  2. List of goods (services) for which the trademark is registered (Appendix 1 to the Certificate) (0,15 Mb) (print)
  3. Certificate of Registration in the USA 2005-2015 (0,52 Mb) (print)
  4. Application for renewal of the SyPly Trademark Certificate 2014-2024 (1,43 Mb) (print)
  5. Notification of SyPlyTM extension in China for 2024-2034 (0,25Mb) (print)
CERTIFICATE for SyPly trademark
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