Fire certificate of conformity for birch plywood of advanced moisture-resistance, faced with thermoactive polymer film | 30.07.2021 - 29.07.2026

Fire certificate of conformity for birch plywood of advanced moisture-resistance, faced with thermoactive polymer film.

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Fire certificate of conformity for birch plywood of advanced moisture-resistance, faced with thermoactive polymer film.
30 July 2021

Valid to 29 July 2026

SyPly birch plywood of advanced moisture-resistance, faced with thermoactive polymer film complies with fire safety: 
flammability group - G4, 
flammability group - B2, 
group of smoke-forming ability - D2, 
Group toxicity of combustion products - T1.

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Fire certificate of conformity for birch plywood of advanced moisture-resistance, faced with thermoactive polymer film.
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